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Lakeland Youth Soccer Club

Parent Code of Conduct

The Lakeland Youth Soccer Association will not tolerate behavior which brings the Club, team, or game into disrepute. The Club believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, the opposing players and the importance of winning verses losing are of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success rather than the long range benefits undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses which are inappropriate for children:

1. Encourage players to have fun at all times. Focus on praise and encouragement rather than on criticism and negative yelling. Encourage your player by word and example. The athlete is counting on you as their primary teacher – in soccer and in life!
2. Applaud good plays by players on both teams. Let soccer be fun! Nothing is better than seeing a child smile from recognition.
3. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship.
4. Parents must remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Soccer is a team sport and without each player, there is no team.
5. After the game is over, ask your child “Did you have a fun?” and not “who won?” or “who scored?”
6. Attempt to reduce the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences. Parents are to remember that this is a “learning experience” for players, and to support this experience, just as you would any other sport and school related activity.
7. Be kind and respectful to our coaches. Parents will support the coach and his or her decisions and will refrain from verbal criticism during any game. Remember, the coach makes the final decision regarding players on the field.
8. Do not publicly question the referee’s judgment, and never his or her honesty. The referee is a symbol of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship. Please remember, many of these referees are young adults learning how to referee the game, so please treat them with respect. They are there to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake.
9. NEVER enter the field to speak with a referee. Speak to your coach or a club official if you have a concern.
10. Accept the results of the game. Encourage your child to be a good sport in victory and in defeat. Many times a player will not remember the results of a game an hour later but they will remember how they felt because of their own – and your actions.
11. Parents will support the team and club by volunteering their services when needed. Volunteers are the cornerstone of this program.
12. Parents will only sit in designated areas around the field. The only acceptable area is the sideline on the opposite side of the fields from the coaches and players. Sitting along either end line or with the coaches and players is not allowed. This is for your own safety and the safety of the players.
13. Parents will treat other fans, coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or ability.
14. Drinking, smoking, foul language and firearms are not allowed around the fields during games or practices.

Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct could result in removal from the fields, sanctions, and/or police involvement.
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